Courthouse Butte Feb 17

A hike up the south face of Courthouse Butte, and then around it at the base
P2160080   COURTHOUSE BUTTE We climb the south face visible here P2160081 P2160082 P2160084   Up the first broad slot
P2160085 P2160087   From herre, across the slickrock face ahead and then around to the right P2160088 P2160089
P2160090   Prickly pear! P2160092 P2160093 P2160094
P2160095 P2160096 P2160097 tonemapped   Then up a steeper, narrower slot P2160098   ...Which also has a flat rocky point at the top, to the right
P2160099 P2160100   A view of Village of Oakcreek P2160101 P2160102   Just like the previous pitch: up across the face ahead, around a a nose to the right, and into the next cove
P2160103   We are now almost above adjacent Bell Rock P2160104 P2160105   Now we can look down from the opposite face P2160106   And around on this ledge...
P2160107   Some climbers opt to take another slot, emerging at the dead tree center-left P2160108 P2160109   While we explore a small ruin P2160110
P2160112 P2160113   Now aound on this level to the final point P2160114 P2160115
P2160116 tonemapped P2160117 P2160118 P2160119
P2160120 P2160121 P2160122   As far as we can go, and time for a break P2160125
P2160127 P2160128 P2160130   Making our way back... P2160131
P2160132 P2160133   Down teh big slot P2160134 tonemapped P2160136
P2160137 P2160138 P2160139 P2160141
P2160142   And back to the public trail P2160143 P2160144   Up a long wash... P2160145
P2160146 P2160147 P2160148 P2160149
P2160150 P2160151   ...To this view point on the north side of the Butte, opposite to the sude we climbed. Toadstool is in the middle P2160152 P2160154
P2160155 tonemapped P2160156 P2160157   We press on... P2160158
P2160160   Made it all the way around! P2160161 P2160162